
Dark Matter Podcasts Secret Origin!

One night Scott Wood and a group of friends were having a pint and we all noticed how frustrated we were by our day jobs. Some were being stifled by a micromanaging boss. Others felt trapped in a dead-end job with no clear way forward. None of us were feeling like we were creatively engaged. Then someone ordered a pitcher–of local favorite craft brew Dark Matter–and as the drinks were poured, Scott said, “Why don’t I write a play for us all to be in together.” We all laughed, drank our beers, and then went home.


On my way home, the lightning bolt hit and Scott started to write the play that would become Please Save the Space Bees. He invited a group of fellow creatives and weirdos to a table read. It was fun. The room crackled with creative energy and joy. The first draft play wasn’t perfect, so Scott rewrote it. We did four more table reads. It got better. 


As things got closer to becoming real, Scott kept expecting everyone to flake or for the enthusiasm to peter out. But it never did. Quickly Scott was directly 23 speaking parts in a professional east Vancouver recording studio. And now we’re getting ready to release our first fiction podcast and we’re developing ideas for the next few series.




